Nadia Khalil | Soul Healer | Author | Speaker |

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The Trick Double Trick Of Blame

Sharing an answer to getting blamed by another soul. What is really happening?

"If someone is pointing fingers then they are invested in doing so.
It does not mean someone is good or bad, it simply means that healing is needed and no one can do that for us.
That is the trick, blaming is so easy that facing ourselves makes us do anything to put it off, even destroy and blame existing souls that love us and fight for us, yet push us away and dare us to come back for more."

Blaming is one of those things that looks justified at first glance.
Yet what do we want from it and why do we want that above anything else we could want?
Why is pointing fingers and causing frustrations that we know we are going to do, rather than cause a better decision by just saying to ourselves,
"Hey, I must be hurting. Let me stand back and see why I am on the attack of any unsuspecting soul?"

We are all a body of work.
Blaming is a huge sign that we are hurting and it is hard for us to see why.
Start asking questions and you can then start to see what is going on.
Things like, "I feel insecure when......I am vulnerable when another person can't be there every moment I want them...I get hurt when I am unable to see why I lash out....I know no one can do my work for me so why do I get mad when they don't do it..."

Blaming is something to think of in this time of our lives.
Blaming is a thick smokescreen, yet we can make it through it if we just know and acknowledge we are behind a smokescreen of our own pain rather than what anyone owes us.

No one has the magic power of healing us.
We can guide each other and push and pull through each other however we are not designed to have another person "fix" us.
We all wish it could be that easy, however, no one knows us like us.
No one can see what the inner workings of our souls say to us day in and day out.
Our own identities are ours not theirs and theirs is theirs, not ours.

That is why no one can own another person and when we try we only find ourselves in an endless battle.

God Bless us for looking for ways to heal.
Thank you, God, that we are discovering Blame is not one of those ways.