Love’s Soulvation
You can’t know nice until you are nice.
You can’t know beautiful until you feel beautiful.
You aren’t happy for others until you feel happy yourself.
You don’t see the effort of others until you put forth an effort yourself.
You won’t acknowledge another’s success until you have felt a sense of success yourself.
It’s hard to have appreciation for anything if you never had to live without it.
We can not know how it is to starve when we can’t decide what to eat.
We can not see a heart until we can feel our own.
We can not extend a hand, until a hand has been extended to us.
When we know something, then we can share it.
We need examples from each other to see how effective it is to share who we are, what we feel.
If one of us does something, someone else immediately learns, feels, understands its worth.
We are one, we hear this and hear it.
WE are one when it comes to respect,
To dignity,
To feel like someone notices,
That someone really cares.
It grows our belief that everything has good in it.
That when we are angry and someone puts their hand on our back and says it will be OKAY
That is better than virtual slaps on the face with words and gestures that do nothing but give us reasons to let go.
Take your initial reaction to a situation
And do the opposite.
Instead of saying, “You did this or that, said this or that”
Say, “Thank you for showing me what it feels like to take on your anger.
You must really be mad, although it is not obvious why
You are unkind to me, because you already feel it somewhere else.
I know you don’t mean what you just said.
I am sorry you are having a bad day.”
It sounds like a lot to say, however it is not.
Think it, and it will come to the surface in your actions.
All you have to say in truth is, “I know you don’t mean that.”
Sometimes that is all you need to say.
And leave it to the other person to find in themselves their own motivations
and they can learn that, and have a moment to think about whatever it is in their heart.
That is being a teacher.
That is showing love when we don’t know if we can.
This is one way to do it.
This is one way to care.
WE think we need to wait for a good day to do better.
No more wasting time.
Time is not relevant when it comes to love.