Excerpt From Nadia’s Next Book, “Rebirthing Love”

“Ask me what I want to do today and I will say, 'May I do what God wants.'
It may sound lite or silly to say this, because it is easy to forget and go on with our days.

When we do not plan on something and it happens, is that what God wanted? Is that what we wanted? Is it both? Is it a gift or is it a foe? What does God want?
God is love and only follows love. If there is love, pure love behind any action, it is understood, not only by the soul, however the souls it interacts with.

Fear, doubt, worry, control and guilt are not from God.
These are all Ego running our lives and making us a soul that produces hardship for ourself and then for others because we accepted that hardship for ourselves.

The hardships may not be felt, however the hardships that it touches on are the depths of the soul who is producing those hardships.
That is why God does not want fear, doubt, worry, control or guilt to be exchanged willingly or knowingly to another soul. God is not a religion, nor is God a punisher to our souls waiting on us to do something wrong or right. God is Love. Love and only Love.

Seeing Christ taught me to love myself as I figure if God loves me like that, I would lie to say I do not feel loved.
When we feel loved, not know we are loved, however when we feel that we are loved we look nowhere for more love, we become love and feel solid in our knowing.
When we do not feel love yet say we love, there is a vacuum that runs our lives that feels like there is never enough love. Feeling love is feeling God.

Feeling love leaves us full and nourished in love. Seeing Christ made me not religious since I was not Christian and Christ still loved me, warmed my soul and reminded me that I am a loved soul.
That we are all loved souls. All that felt important in that moment, is that I understood the vast love of God to us so that we can feed our own souls while we face the challenges we have, are and will face in our lives.

If the answer to anything in life is love, that is the right answer to your soul. Fear, doubt, worry, control or guilt tug and challenge our love.
When we feel this challenge, speak softly to yourself, ‘I know these feelings are not from God, you do not have permission to be in my mind, I chose love.’ Again sounds so lite and may even sound silly, yet over time it works.

Making a commitment to understand the power of love’s energy, which is the strongest energy available to us, is a force to be reckoned with for it is the filter in life to base where we choose to expose our souls to life.”

“Rebirthing Love” by Nadia Khalil


The Essence of Love


Offer Your Soul The Opportunity of Life